Online Authentication

Checking the authenticity of documents on the criterion of "Yes / No" - the simplest level of identification online. It is a procedure for the identification of personalized documents on the principle of "I know" and is performed by comparing the information in the document information in an electronic registry.

Checking the authenticity of documents on our website is carried out without direct access to the database. It guarantees the confidentiality of data in public networks and 100% protection from leaks of personal information.

At the request of interested organizations JSC "Tartip" also provides full identification of personal data and expert information and printed document protection against counterfeiting.

Geography authentication expands every year. To date, requests were received from more than 70 countries.

Currently, authentication in the online mode is performed for the following types of personalized documents produced by JSC "Tartip":

  • Дипломы о начальном профессиональном образовании государственного образца
    Реестр содержит сведения о документах серии CG. Период выпуска документов - 2016 год.
  • Дипломы о высшем и среднем профессиональном образовании государственного образца
    Реестр содержит сведения о документах серий CD, CF, CE, CH, CC. Период выпуска документов - с 2004 года по 2014 год.
  • Сертификаты о поствузовском медицинском образовании (ординатура, интернатура, повышение квалификации)
    The register contains information about the documents series of CO, CI, CS. Period issuance of documents - from 2012 to the present time.
  • Certificates, diplomas and certificates of non-state sample of the passage of the various training programs, issued by authorized legal entities of the Kyrgyz Republic
    The register contains information about the documents series of CQ, CU, KS, SK, KD. Period issuance of documents - from 2012 to the present time.
  • License for educational activity, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
    The registry contains information about the documents series of LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, LH, LI, LG. Period issuance of documents - from 2013 to the present time.
  • Certificates to confirm the status of the institution, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
    The register contains information about the documents series SB, SC, SD, SE, SF. Period issuance of documents - from 2014 to the present time.
  • Certificate of Recognition as accreditation agency, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
    The registry contains information about the documents CV series. Period issuance of documents - from 2016 to the present time.

To check the authenticity of documents other series you must apply directly to the organization (institution), in whose name the document was issued.

Personalized documents issued on behalf of the legal entities of the Kyrgyz Republic and is not registered in the registry can be placed in the online authentication. In order to organize these types of work should contact the of JSC "Tartip» , and use the service "Expansion of the registry documents".

Updating the registry on a weekly basis.